Research | Yildiz Technical University


Message - Prof. Dr. Tamer YIlmaz

Sevgili dinleyiciler, ResearchYTU podcast serisi kapsamında Sayın Rektörümüz Prof. Dr. Tamer Yılmaz bugün bizlerle. Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi'nin 111 yıllık tarihinden gelen deneyim, 40.000'i aşkın öğrencisiyle ortaya çıkan sinerji ve Ar-Ge kültürünün yarattığı farklılıkları rektörümüz anlatıyor.

Policymaker - Dr. Olcay ÜNVER

Hello dear listeners, today we have a very special guest with us. We are thrilled to host Dr. Olcay Ünver, who is currently serving as a Professor of Practice at the Arizona State University Fulton Schools of Engineering, within the Environmental and Resource Management Program. In addition to his role at the university, he is also a member of the Water Policy Group (, a Senior Water Advisor to FAO (the Food and Agriculture Organization) and UNESCO, and an Adjunct Industry Fellow at the Australian Rivers Institute of Griffith University. Dr. Olcay Ünver's expertise and contributions in the field of water management are truly remarkable. He served as the Vice-Chair of UN-Water from 2018 to 2020, operating from the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in Rome, Italy, where he also held the position of Senior Water Advisor. From September 2013 to March 2019, Dr. Olcay Ünver led FAO's water programs, projects, and activities, playing a crucial role in integrating water across various sectors and disciplines and collaborating with partners and stakeholders within and outside the UN system. These impressive accomplishments and titles are a testament to Dr. Olcay Ünver's significant contributions to the field of water management. We are here today for the first part of a two-episode series, eager to benefit from his wisdom and insights. His wealth of experience and expertise in water resources management and policies will undoubtedly provide us with invaluable knowledge. Let's all listen attentively and make the most of Dr. Olcay Ünver's expertise. Happy listening!

Deprem Özel - Araştırma Görevlisi Alpay ÖZDEMİR

Deprem serimiz 2. bölümüyle devam ediyor. Son zamanlarda Türkiye'de yaşanan depremler, insanların hayatını kaybetmesine ve yaralanmasına neden olan üzücü olaylardır. Bu doğal afetlerin etkisini azaltmak ve insanların güvenliğini sağlamak için daha fazla çalışma gerektiği unutulmamalıdır. Afetin ilk günlerinde okulumuz ekiplerinin bir parçası olarak bulunan Alpay Özdemir ile birlikte deprem sahasında hakkında görüştük. Sahada geçirdiği süre boyunca edindiği tecrübeleri, yaptığı bilimsel çalışmaları ve karşılaştığı görüntüleri ele aldık. Ayrıca, Harita Mühendisliği'nin deprem sahasında ne gibi bir rol oynadığına ve analiz yöntemlerine de değindik. Değerli dostlarımız ve vatandaşlarımız, son deprem felaketinde hayatını kaybedenlere Allah'tan rahmet, ailelerine ve yakınlarına sabır diliyoruz. Yaşanan acıların derinliği ve büyüklüğü hepimizi derinden sarsmıştır. Bu zorlu süreçte, birlik ve dayanışma içinde olmak, yardımlaşmak ve sevgiyle destek olmak en büyük gücümüzdür. Tüm afetzedelere en içten başsağlığı dileklerimizi iletiyoruz. Dualarımız sizinle. #ResearchYTU

Deprem Özel - Prof. Dr. Doğan Uğur Şanlı

Son zamanlarda Türkiye'de yaşanan depremler, insanların hayatını kaybetmesine ve yaralanmasına neden olan üzücü olaylardır. Bu doğal afetlerin etkisini azaltmak ve insanların güvenliğini sağlamak için daha fazla çalışma gerektiği unutulmamalıdır. Depremler, tarihin başlangıcından bu yana insanları etkileyen doğal afetler arasında yer almaktadır. Hatay ve Kahramanmaraş merkezli son depremler de bu gerçeği bir kez daha gözler önüne sermiştir. Bu konuda bize bilgi verebilecek harita mühendisliği alanında uzmanlaşmış bir akademisyen olan Prof. Dr. Doğan Uğur Şanlı, konuğumuz olarak katıldı. Kendisiyle yaptığımız söyleşide, depremlerin olumsuz etkilerini azaltmak için neler yapılabileceği konusunda önemli bilgiler paylaştı. Depremlerin insanların yaşam kalitesini ve güvenliğini ciddi şekilde etkilediği gerçeği göz önüne alındığında, bu tür doğal afetlerin olumsuz etkilerini en aza indirmek için her zaman daha fazla çalışmamız gerektiği açıktır. Prof. Dr. Doğan Uğur Şanlı'nın görüşleri, bu konuda yapılacak çalışmalar hakkında fikir edinmemize yardımcı olacak önemli bir kaynak teşkil etmektedir.

Student Club - IEEE YTU

ResearchYTU introduces a new series of podcasts revolving around YTU's amazing student clubs! In this episode, we hosted for IEEE club and learnt more about their vision, their works and events. Stay tuned to get more information about student clubs and communities of Yildiz Technical University and more! #KulüpleriyleLiderYTÜ

Student Club - SPARK

ResearchYTU introduces a new series of podcasts revolving around YTU's amazing student clubs! In this episode, we hosted for SPARK club and learnt more about their vision, their works and events and how did they started as a spark and turned into a fire. Stay tuned to get more information about student clubs and communities of Yildiz Technical University and more! #KulüpleriyleLiderYTÜ

Researcher - Prof. Aysel KANTÜRK FİGEN

ResearchYTU podcast series is pleased to host Prof. Aysel KANTÜRK FİGEN from YTU Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering as its eleventh guest.

Researcher - Prof.Dr. Murat Anıl Mercan

ResearchYTU podcast series is pleased to host Prof. Murat Anıl Mercan from YTU Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences as its tenth guest.

Researcher - Prof. Aysel Kantürk Figen

ResearchYTU podcast series is pleased to host Prof. Aysel KANTÜRK FİGEN from YTU Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering as its eleventh guest.

Researcher - Asst. Prof. Fatih Akyol

In this episode, we will talk about Asst. Prof. Fatih Akyol's research areas including Electrical electronics Engineering, Optoelectronic Materials and Devices, Semiconductor Materials and Devices, Nanomaterials, Engineering and Technology. His career, which started in the field of Electrical And Computer Engineering in 2009, continues today as Associate Professor of the Faculty of Chemistry and Metallurgy at Yıldız Technical University and contunious his work with his projects and publications. Stay tuned for more information.

Researcher - Assoc. Prof. Hüseyin ÜVET

In this episode, we will talk about Assoc. Prof. Hüseyin ÜVET's research areas including Sports Health Sciences, Robotics and Mechatronics Systems, Mechatronic Systems, Micro and Nano Robots, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Learning and Pattern Recognition, Bioinstrumentation and Microelectromechanical Systems. His career, which started in the field of computer engineering sciences in 2004, continues today as the Associate Professor faculty of mechanical engineering at Yıldız Technical University. He continues to inspire students in the fields of Medical Mechatronics and Micro-Nano Robotics.

Researcher - Prof. Dr İbrahim Dinçer

ResearchYTU podcast series is now pleased to host Prof. Dr. İbrahim DİNÇER as a world leading researcher in the field of energy. In this episode we will talk about experiences of our researcher, who stands out with his research on sustainable and renewable energy technologies, new energy storage methods, advanced cooling technologies, alternative energy strategies and policies, and the importance of hydrogen. Stay tuned to get more information about Prof. DİNÇER's research areas including hydrogen, alternative energy strategies and more !

WHEC 2022 - Part 1 (World Hydrogen Energy Conference)

ResearchYTU podcast series is honoured to host WHEC-2022 speakers Prof.Dr. Hossam Kishawy, Prof.Dr. Les Jacobs, Mary Rose de Valladares and Prof. Dr.İnci Eroğlu to talk about their works and their experience with WHEC.

WHEC 2022 - Part 2 (World Hydrogen Energy Conference)

ResearchYTU podcast series is honoured to host WHEC-2022 speakers Dr.Shannon Bragg-Sitton Prof.Dr. Bruce E. Logan, Ian Clifford and Prof. Dr.Kazunari Domen to talk about their works and their experience with WHEC.

Researcher - Assoc. Prof. Emre ER

In this episode, we will talk about Assoc. Prof. Emre ER's research areas including Social Sciences and Humanities, Education, Educational Sciences, Administration and Supervision in Education, Education Management and Planning. His career, which started in the field of educational sciences in 2010, continues today as the vice dean of the faculty of education at Yıldız Technical University. continues to inspire students with courses on introduction to education and classroom management. Stay tuned for more information.

Researcher - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Erçin Ersundu

ResearchYTU podcast series is pleased to host Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Erçin Ersundu from YTU Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department as its fifth guest. In this episode, we will talk about Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Erçin Ersundu’s research areas including glass science and engineering which he works with his research team (YTU Glass Research Group). Their research basically focuses on basic properties, glass formations and structures of different glass systems to discover their potential to be used in several functional applications related to energy, environment, and advanced communications systems. Stay tuned to get more information about Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Erçin Ersundu’s research and recent discoveries made with glass nanocomposites.

Researcher - Assoc. Prof. A. Kamuran Kadıpaşaoğlu

ResearchYTU podcast series is pleased to host Assoc. Prof. A. Kamuran Kadıpaşaoğlu from YTU Biomedical Engineering department as its fourth guest. In this episode, we will talk about Dr. Kamuran Kadıpaşaoğlu's research areas including Medical Physics Science. He develops experimental technologies that will revolutionize artificial heart pump. Stay tuned to get more information about Dr. Kadıpaşaoğlu research areas including Medicine, HealthSciences, Fundamental Medical Sciences, Human Physiology, Surgery Medicine Sciences, Cardiovascular System Surgery, Biomedical Engineering.

Researcher - Dr.Bilgin Keserci

ResearchYTU podcast series is pleased to host Dr. Bilgin Keserci from YTU Biomedical Engineering department as its third guest. In this episode, we will talk about Dr. Bilgin Keserci's research areas including Medical Physics Science. He develops experimental technologies that will revolutionize the treatment of cancer and had a 18+ years extensive experience in MRI industry with General Electric and Philips. Stay tuned to get more information about Dr. Keserci's research areas including medical imaging/physics, magnetic resonance imaging, clinical science and more!

Researcher - Prof.Dr. Serap Güneş

ResearchYTU podcast series is pleased to host Prof. Dr. Serap Güneş from YTU Physic department as its first guest. In this episode we will talk about what is an organic solar cell? Can we charge our mobile phones with wearable solar cells? Stay tuned to get more information about Prof. GÜNEŞ's research areas including material science, electronical structure and more !